Areas of Concern

Areas of Concern: 


  1. Pigmentation/Sun Damage (insert picture of sun damage/pigmentation)


Do you struggle with brown spots that have developed over the years? Have you spent a lot of time in the sun? Do the brown spots make your skin feel uneven to where it bothers you? 


Unfortunately as we age, the cells that create pigment can start to act more dysfunctional, causing uneven areas of brown pigment to pop up on the face and body. This can be due to a variety of reasons but chronic sun exposure usually contributes to the unhealthy behaviour of these cells. UV rays from the sun cause extensive damage over time, cause dysfunction in how the cells that produce pigment operate and are a major contributor to skin that appears much older than it needs to. It also puts you at risk for skin cancer. 


How I can help: 


I meet with you to first get a sense of what bothers you about the brown spots that you are concerned about. My goal will be to reset the damage that has been done to your skin over the years. Of course, this cannot happen overnight. Once I determine if you are a candidate for treatments we will work together to develop a comprehensive plan that will get your skin back to a healthy state. I set you up for success on a maintenance plan, once we have restored the skin’s health. I aim to achieve a more clear, even skin tone and reduce brown pigmented area and leave your skin healthy and youthful in appearance. A commitment to behavioural changes related to sun exposure and appropriate skin care at home is required to achieve optimal results. 


What options may be included in a treatment plan (customised recommended treatment plans will be provided after consultation): 


  • Comprehensive education sessions on how to care for your skin at home and how to properly protect your skin from UV damage
  • Comprehensive education about reducing the risk of skin cancer, self monitoring for skin changes and using the ABCDE method at home 
  • Skin care products designed to prepare your skin for starting in-clinic treatments to enhance results and reduce risks
  • SkinPen microneedling
  • Chemical peels or other corrective facials
  • BroadBand Light Corrective Treatments (for both face and body)
  • Halo laser treatments 
  • A tailored post treatment package including all products needed to care for the skin during and after treatments to get you the best results
  • Follow up education sessions to maximise the results of your custom corrective package


  1. Melasma (insert picture of melasma/mask of pregnancy)


Have you ever noticed large patches of your skin that are a different colour than the rest? Does it get worse in the heat and the sun? If this sounds familiar, you may have a condition called Melasma. 


Melasma is a skin condition where dark patches develop on both sides of the face. It is thought to be triggered by hormonal changes and sunlight and heat usually makes the patches much darker. The condition is sometimes referred to as the “mask of pregnancy”. 


How I can help: 


I will meet with you first to assess if the condition is melasma. Many people who have melasma have not had an official diagnosis or may not have even heard of it before. Melasma is not something that can be “cured”. However, I will work with you to create a comprehensive package to help control the unwanted appearance of the dark patches on the face. A commitment to lifestyle and behavioural changes is required for these treatment plans, as sun exposure, heat and hormones are all triggers of this condition. I aim to reduce the appearance of pigmented areas through a combination of behavioural change, extensive education, daily skin care routine and in-clinic treatments. My goal is to assist you in controlling and managing the melasma and giving you the confidence boost you deserve. 


What options may be included in a treatment plan (customised recommended treatment plans will be provided after consultation): 


  • Comprehensive education sessions about lifestyle, hormones and how sun and heat affect this condition
  • Skin care program designed to prepare your skin for starting clinic treatments to enhance results and reduce risks
  • SkinPen microneedling treatments
  • Halo laser treatment
  • Tailored post treatment products needed to care for the skin during and after treatments to get you the best results
  • Recommended products may or may not include the use of hydroquinone
  • Follow up education sessions to maximise the results of your maintenance plans


  1. Rosacea and Sensitive Skin (insert picture of rosacea)


Does your skin feel like it reacts to everything you put on it? Are you prone to flushing or intense redness that bothers you? 


Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that can vary in severity. There is no known cure but can be managed with lifestyle changes and treatments. It can appear as flushing to the cheeks, nose and forehead, consistent facial redness, and red lines due to larger blood vessels. Your skin may also feel congested, thicker, pimple-like bumps without white/blackheads, dry, burning or itching skin. 


How I can help:

I will meet and learn about what bothers you, what products or treatments you have tried on your skin, learn about your lifestyle and overall goals. Once we have done that, my team will build a comprehensive plan to make the skin more healthy and reduce the appearance of redness over time. Controlling inflammation and irritation through a combination approach of topical agents, clinical treatments and lifestyle changes will get you feeling confident in your skin. Patience and ongoing maintenance is likely required. 


What options may be included in a treatment plan (customised recommended treatment plans will be provided after consultation): 


  • Comprehensive education sessions about lifestyle and environmental triggers and sun protection
  • Customised facials to help reduce inflammation and restore skin health
  • Skin care program designed to prepare your skin for starting clinic treatments to enhance results and reduce risks
  • Tailored post treatment products needed to care for the skin during and after treatments to get you the best results
  • Broadband Light corrective and maintenance treatments
  • Follow up education sessions to maximise the results of your maintenance plans


  1. Skin Tightening (insert picture of loose skin/abdomen/neck?)


Does the skin on your face or body seem to sag a little more as you are ageing? Have you recently lost weight but now notice the skin doesn’t sit the same as it once did when you were younger?


Skin laxity may be caused by weight loss, post pregnancy or just by the natural process of ageing. As we age, our skin produces less collagen (that makes the skin plump and youthful looking) but we also have bone density loss that can cause the skin to not have the same underlying support that holds it up. 


How I can help:


I will meet and learn about what bothers you, what products or treatments you have tried in the past, learn about your lifestyle and overall goals. Once we have done that, my team will build a comprehensive plan to make the skin appear tighter and more firm. 


Not everyone is a candidate for treatments. Some people do require surgical removal of excess skin. I will be open and honest about what we may be able to realistically achieve with our technologies in the clinic. 


What options may be included in a treatment plan (customised recommended treatment plans will be provided after consultation): 


  • Skin care program designed to prepare your skin for starting clinic treatments to enhance results and reduce risks
  • Tailored post treatment products needed to care for the skin during and after treatments to get you the best results
  • Combinations of filler to restore bone density loss and biostimulants to help your body produce collagen
  • BroadBand Light SkinTyte treatments


  1. Acne (insert picture of active acne and/or acne scars)


Do you feel like you are breaking out no matter what you use on your skin? Have you struggled with acne either as a teen or as an adult? Has your confidence been down because of active breakouts or acne scarring? 


Acne is a term to describe the condition where pores become blocked with dead skin cells and oils, resulting in whiteheads, blockheads, pimples and cysts. Bacteria within the pores can contribute to inflammation, making this condition very frustrating to deal with. It requires a long term management plan to control the oil and bacteria and remove dead skin cells. 


How I can help:


I will first meet with you to determine the severity of the acne, learn about what treatments and products you have tried in the past and learn a little about your lifestyle. As a family physician, I am very experienced seeing patients that come to me with these concerns. My goal is to help you manage and control breakouts, reduce the appearance of inflammatory spots and scarring. Controlling acne requires being on the right topical products and a commitment to reducing triggers that cause breakouts. It requires patience and consistency with a home care routine with the appropriate products. 


What options may be included in a treatment plan (customised recommended treatment plans will be provided after consultation): 


  • Targeted potent skin care products that help remove dead skin cells and reduce the amount of oil that is contributing to clogging the skin
  • Comprehensive education sessions about how lifestyle, sun exposure and other factors can contribute to inflammation and breakouts
  • Broadband Light treatments to target the acne causing bacteria and reduce inflammation
  • Hydrafacials or custom facials to help unclog pores and promote skin health
  • SkinPen microneedling sessions to reduce the appearance of inflammation caused by breakouts or scarring (once active acne is under control)
  • Halo laser to treat scarring (once active acne is under control)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) may be added to treatments to promote further healing and enhance results
  • Skin boosters/fillers to reduce the appearance of acne scars
  • Prescription medication may be recommended based on severity


  1. Anti-Aging/wrinkles (insert picture of frown lines/ forehead lines/ lip lines/ crows feet)


Have you noticed lines starting to develop that you do not like? Do you look in the mirror and feel that changes to your skin are making you feel older and less confident than you once were? 


Ageing is something that we are all going through.This comes with changes to your skin and maybe a little more lines and wrinkles over time. These aren’t necessarily a bad thing and if it does not bother you, then you likely do not need to seek out treatment. That being said, others may find changes to the skin health and seeing more lines and wrinkles bothersome. If you think that may be you, I can certainly help you slow the signs of ageing and regain your confidence back!  We can’t escape ageing, but we can do so gracefully on our own terms. 


Lines and wrinkles develop over time due to changes to the skin’s health, the diminished ability to produce collagen, chronic exposure to UV damage, other lifestyle factors and genetics. 


Common areas of concern are frown lines, forehead lines, “crow’s feet” (wrinkles around the eyes) or wrinkles around the mouth or neck. 


I will work with you to build a treatment plan for at home and in clinic options as I have consistently found a combination approach is the most effective way to get you looking and feeling your best.


What options may be included in a treatment plan (customised recommended treatment plans will be provided after consultation): 


  • Potent skin care products that help address areas of concern, provide antioxidant protection and increase cellular turnover that can be used pre and post treatment to enhance results as well as for ongoing maintenance
  • Extensive education sessions about skin health and protection from the sun (which contributes to wrinkles and aged looking skin)
  • Neuromodulators/ “wrinkle relaxers – (Botox/Xeomin/Dysport)
  • Dermal fillers
  • Biostimulators
  • Halo laser
  • BroadBand Light corrective and maintenance treatments
  • Facials
  • Microneedling with or without Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
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