Before and After Care

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  • Inform the practitioner of any history of epilepsy, allergy to any topical anaesthetics or other known allergies
  • Inform the practitioner of any chance of pregnancy or if you are trying to get pregnant. Pre-menopausal women will have a urine pregnancy test before the procedure so do not empty your bladder immediately before arriving.
  • Inform the practitioner of any bleeding disorders, use of the medication Accutane in the last year or any estrogen therapies
  • Inform the practitioner of any history of herpes or human papillovirus (HPV) warts, as there is a risk that this treatment could contribute to a recurrence
  • Wear comfortable clothes and underwear that will allow you to wear a pad after the procedure


  • Spotting may occur. This can last for a few hours – 12 hours depending on the treatment depth. Immediately after treatment, you will be given a pad to wear.
  • Pinkish colored discharge may occur. This can last for a few hours – 72 hours depending on the treatment depth.
  • The treatment area may be extremely warm for 12-24 hours after the treatment. Cold compresses or ice packs may provide comfort during this time.
  • Immediately after treatment, swelling is common and expected. Use of a cold compress or ice pack help relieve the swelling.
    If an antiviral was prescribed for you, continue to take as directed.
  • You may return to your normal daily routine, including bathing or showering.
  • You should refrain from sexual intercourse, vaginal penetration, douching or use of tampons for up to 48 hours or until spotting or discharge has stopped.
  • Some patients experience sunburn or chaffed sensation for a few days. A thin layer application of Aquaphor can alleviate this sensation.
  • Some patients experience mild cramping up to 24-48 hours. Post treatment discomfort may be relieved by over the counter oral pain relievers; i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol or prescribed pain medication if ordered by the physician.
  • Itching may be experienced during the healing phase and is completely normal. Oral Benadryl or other anti-histamine may help itching (Benadryl may cause drowsiness). DO NOT scratch the treated area as scarring complications can occur.
  • When showering in the next few days, it is recommended to avoid getting shampoo or harsh cleansers directly on the treated area.
  • Gentle use of bath tissue is recommended to reduce any sensitivity to the area.

When to seek medical attention:

There may be some slight degree of swelling immediately post treatment; however, if you have excessive swelling or any of the following signs of infection, you should contact the clinic immediately.

Signs of infection include:

  • Drainage – looks like puss
  • Increased warmth at or around the treated area
  • Fever of 101.5 or greater
  • Extreme itching