Soft-Surgery System™
Before and After Care

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  • Wear SPF and avoid tanning and extended sun exposure.
  • Notify staff of any delayed, healing or compromised immune system.
  • Notify staff if you are a smoker as this can affect healing and overall outcomes.
  • Notify staff of any history of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • Notify staff of any allergies to topical numbing creams or ingredients.
  • Arrive with clean skin with no makeup on.
  • Notify staff if you are prone to cold sores.
  • Notify staff if you have a known sensitivity to epinephrine.

What To Expect

Risk and Discomfort – with this treatment include, but are not limited to;

Pain – similar to snapping the skin with a rubber band

Reddening – may go away in 7-10 days or less

Swelling – may go away in 7-10 days or less

Pigment Changes – Although extremely rare, the treated area may heal with increased pigmentation (increased skin coloring). This occurs most often with darker skin types and after exposure of the area to sun. You may have experienced this type of reaction before and noticed it with minor cuts or abrasions. The treated area must be protected from exposure to both UV rays and indoor blue lights ( cell phones, computers etc). This type of reaction tends to gradually fade away and return to normal over a period of three to six months if left untreated.


*The following are only risks if post care is not followed properly*

Scarring – There is a very small chance of scarring or abnormal raised marks. Scarring is a possibility because of the disruption of the skin’s surface. Compliance with aftercare is crucial for the prevention of scarring.

Bleeding – The treatment may cause some pinpoint bleeding which usually stops within a few hours after the treatment, without any lasting effect.

Infection – If bleeding is present as a result of removing the scabs prematurely, an infection of the wound is possible. Any indication that there might be infection please contact the office immediately.

It is important to know that for you to achieve the utmost results, blood (redness), swelling (water) and scabbing (crusty surface of healing skin) are necessary to build, repair and restore collagen. The first 48 hours after the treatment are the most important, as this is when the skin is rebuilding, and old skin will start to exfoliate.

After Care:

Procedure Day – On the day of the procedure please try to arrive with no make-up. If you wish to shower please do so before the procedure. After the procedure we ask you to wait 48 hours to shower again. Remove contact lenses and wear glasses if necessary. After the consent form and photos, a topical numbing cream may be applied to the treatment area. Most patients report minimal discomfort during the procedure. Multiple settings may be used for different areas of the face and body. When the treatment is finished, we ask that you do not apply any gels, or anything wet to the area. The heat (sunburn like) will dissipate over the next few hours. Cold spoons, lightly held to the treated area with help soothe. DO NOT PICK AT THE AREA. 

The Healing Process – You will look your worst the next day as healing times vary depending on the individual but generally you can expect the following:

For Face Treatments –  5-7 days – Make sure to wear a large hat and/or sunglasses if you will be exposed to the sun. In some aggressive treatments, very slight oozing may occur. Swelling of the face and/or eyes is common, and typically begins to reduce by the third day after treatment. Sleeping with your head elevated can help decrease swelling. Almost everyone experiences itching, which can range from mild to intense. Taking Benadryl (an oral antihistamine) can be helpful. Gently pressing a clean spoon onto the skin also helps to relieve itchiness. Itching usually lasts a few days or until the area starts to peel. Do NOT pick at the treated area. 

Day 1 and 2 – NO Water or Steam to the treated area, Keep Dry and clean. Cleanse the other areas of your face, keeping the treated area dry.

Day 3 and 4  – Cleaning the Area – Splash water on the treated area. Using a diluted gentle gel cleanser dab on the treated area. Splash water to the area to remove the cleanser. Dab dry with a paper towel or clean towel.

The skin may feel tender to the touch, so be gentle and treat carefully. Continue to cleanse the treated area daily with a mild cleanser for up to 30 days. Do not exfoliate the area, be gentle when rubbing.

Day 5 – Skin Cover – Use tinted mineral based sunscreen sparingly to the ocular bone area only once a day. Do not apply cream on the lower lid or close to eye.

Once the superficial scabs start to exfoliate, the skin underneath will be pink and will return to its natural color in a few weeks. Around day 4-5 you may notice skin starting to peel off. Do not pull, peel, or scrap the skin off. Just let the skin naturally slough off in the cleansing process. In the shower make sure to cover your face from shampoos and body soaps. Do NOT pick at the treated area.

Product use – Once the scabs have exfoliated off it is important to apply a mineral based Sunscreen 3-4 times a day. Unless otherwise advised by your clinic, based on your genetic background. During hot climates or prolonged outdoor exposure, it is also recommended to apply a SPF of at least 40 often. The sunscreen portion of the post treatment care must be carried out every day for at least 30 days once the superficial scabs come off. Even if you’re inside.

Follow-up –  Your follow-up appointments will generally be scheduled in 30-days post-procedure. Do not use exfoliating products on the skin for 4 weeks. If you feel that you are having an unusual problem with the treatment, please contact the clinic at 289-309-8519 or schedule a follow up appointment online. 

Medications – If you are prone to cold sores, the doctor will prescribe Valtrex (an anti-viral medication) which is used to prevent viral outbreaks on your skin and cold sores – if you have a history of them). Tylenol is recommended for pain or a prescription from your physician.

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